Discover Our New Dark Tower Roast

Christy Ingkavet @ Jul 22, 2022

Our Dark Tower is a balanced blend of two beans from the East and the West with an incredible depth of flavor. We created this delicious blend with the help of a Good Food award-winning coffee roaster, who showed us how to enhance our beans by dark roasting and smoking...

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Coffee Variety and Species: What’s The Difference?

Christy Ingkavet @ Jul 01, 2022

You may have heard there are many types of coffee. And while several subspecies of coffee do exist, only two main species of plants produce the world's supply of coffee. Coffea Arabica Also known as Arabica Coffee, this species originated in the forests of Ethiopia. It is the most widely used...

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Tower Roasting Feature: Revolution Blend

Christy Ingkavet @ Jun 16, 2022
Our Tower Revolution Blend coffee is the result of months of experimentation, tasting, and refinement. It combines two of the best coffee growing regions in the world -- a mix of Aceh, Sumatran, and Mantiqueira, Brazilian beans that complement each other perfectly.

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Meet Tower Roasting's Costa Rica Farm: Hacienda la Amistad

Christy Ingkavet @ May 06, 2022
Our Costa Rica single origin is a silky, mild-bodied, and a balanced medium roast made with 100% organic Arabica beans.

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Meet Tower Roasting's Yirgacheffe Farmer

Christy Ingkavet @ Apr 13, 2022
Tower Roasting's legendary Yirgacheffe coffee is a light-bodied brew with fruity  berry flavors. Grown by the Adado Cooperative, which supports a sustainable coffee supply in Ethiopia, it is certified organic and simply delicious.

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